Friday, May 29, 2015


Recently, my husband and I, along with several friends attended the Richmond Youth Symphony. One of the violin players is a member of our church. He and his family have been friends of ours for several years.

This young man was actually the Concert Master (the one that helped the others get in tune). I didn't know what that was until that night.

I truly enjoyed the music. It was soothing and comforting.

I have always been a nervous person. I didn't know that everyone didn't feel their heart beating or pounding all the time until several years ago. Little things made me nervous, like forgetting a book at home. I would have a panic attack until I got to class. Then I was terrified to tell the teacher. I was a good student but the teacher saying we were going to have a pop quiz put a knot in my stomach, even if I knew all the answers.

Once in college my professor gave us a few minutes to go over our notes with a partner. There was an odd number of students so the professor asked me questions from my notes. I got them all right. He passed out the test. It looked a lot like my notes. I got the test and just went blank. I only got a few right. He said,"Danette, you answered them all just a minute ago." I told him, "tests just do that to me."

As I got older and had a kid I realized that music with a lot of bass also made me nervous. I could get in the car in a great mood and get out 10 minutes later in a very fowl mood. It could sometimes take me the rest of the day and some of the next to get myself together.

The music at the symphony was wonderful. I wish I had known how calming it could be when I was young. It reminded me of King David  before he was king. When he was growing up he played a harp. A small hand held one from  pictures I've seen. He played to the sheep and later to King Saul.

King Saul "had an evil spirit" come upon him. Someone suggested they get a person to come play soothing music to him to calm the spirit.

Almost everyone likes music. I'm a preacher's wife and I love Southern Gospel, praise music and other Christian music. Christmas music has always been my favorite. It drives me crazy when radio announcers  play Christmas music for a month and start complaining. I have to listen to what they like 11 months out of the year! My favorite artist is Dolly Parton.

But now I will start to listen to instrumental music more. I really enjoyed it. It was calming and exciting at the same time.

Have a Blessed Day,
Mama D

1 Samuel 16:18 NAS  Then one of the young men answered,"Behold I have see a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician, a mighty man of valor, a warrior, one prudent in speech and a handsome man; and the Lord is with him."

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