Sunday, February 4, 2018

TRADITIONS 1: Ideas to help you get started!

Most people have traditions even if they've never really thought about it. Traditions are things you do every year. Like I said in my post, Our New Christmas Traditions,  traditions change in time. Think about some of the things your family does together during the year, New Years party, Super Bowl party, Valentine's, beach trips, cruises, family reunions, dressing up as a family on Halloween, family get togethers at birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

If you are working on starting some new traditions, let me tell you traditions don't have to cost a fortune. They are memory makers. Don't start a new tradition that is going to be so stressful it won't be fun and one that you will possible dread starting the next year. It's easy to get excited and go all out then the next year you are busy, have a kid or two, etc. Remember make memories. People remember moments in time, so make your traditions moments that will be happy memories.

 New Year's Day: Have ginger ale with maraschino cherries or even ice water in fancy glasses to toast in the New Year. I never understood why people that order alcoholic beverages get fancy glasses and water, soda and tea drinkers get plain glasses. I had a few stem glasses that I liked drinking my tea but they were a little small for dinner glasses. My husband and daughter gave me stem glasses large enough for tea and some of those little stem charms for Christmas. I still use them. People that come over like to pick out their charm. (The charms usually go on sale after the holidays, remember the holiday will come around again next year)

Valentine's Day: Let the kids help you make cupcakes. I didn't follow the instructions for filling the cupcake pan when my daughter was growing up. I put half as much batter in the paper cups. It not only made twice as many cupcakes, the cupcakes were smaller and flat. Less icing and let's face it many kids lick the icing off and leave the cupcake. Less waste. When I was growing up my mama would let us help with the icing. We would make cupcakes for church cover dish meals. We each got a little white icing and our choice of color. She put a few drops of coloring in the icing and then we mixed it up and put the icing on the cupcakes. I'm sure it was a lot  messier to get us to help but "I have a Memory that puts a smile on my face even today."

Easter: Easter eggs are always fun. Now there's stickers and crayons and all kinds of kits to make the process a memory.
One of my sisters had a client that handmade baskets. She bought Arielle one of the baskets for Easter. Arielle used that basket most every year. One year when she was in Little League Cheerleading we decide to give her a lunch box we found on sale. It had a thermos and several small pieces. We made a scavenger hunt out of it. She got one of the small pieces in her basket. That piece had a clue as to where to find another piece and so on. We had a great time. She got to use her favorite basket but she also got something she could use and not a lot of candy.

Vacation: When Arielle was growing up I would take craft items on vacation. I was so busy working, going to her and her dad's sports and church activities that I decided to take advantage of vacation to slow down and make a memory. We LOVE the beach. We try to go to the beach at least once a year. Picking up shells and sharks teeth (North and South Caroline beaches) doesn't cost anything and it most definitely makes fun memories. One year I took plastic visors and a glue gun. It sometimes rains at least one day during vacation. Sure enough the rain came and the visors came out. We sat on the floor and took out our shells. We made some pretty visors that we wore when the sun came back out. Visors I bought on sale at a craft store and I had a glue gun. You can find small glue guns at a craft store for not too much money. Small children will need help with the glue.

Have a Blessed Day,
Mama D

Joel 1:3 (NLT)
Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. Pass the story down from generation to generation.